Council Minutes December 9, 2024
Town of Trinity Council Minutes December 9, 2024
The Town of Trinity Mayor and Council met at a regularly scheduled meeting in the Trinity Municipal Building with Mayor Goodwin calling the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.
Members present were Beth Burden, Mayor Vaughn Goodwin, Jared Terry, and Gordon Burden. Members absent
were Brandi Logston and Lainie Alexander.
Motion made to approve the minutes from the work session the November 25, 2024 by Beth 2nd by Gordon. All voted yes. Jared abstained.
Motion made to approve the minutes from the council meeting November 25, 2024 by Gordon 2nd by Beth. All voted yes. Jared abstained.
Motion made to approve the attached bills in the amount of $26,668.96 by Gordon with a 2nd by Jared. All voted yes.
Motion made to approve $675.00 for Silver Sponsorship of the 2025 State of Morgan County Sponsorship by Beth with a 2nd by Jared. All voted yes.
Motion made to approve $260.00 ($65.00 to Alabama Association of Municipal Clerks and Administrators and $195.00 to the International Institute of Municipal Clerks) for Ashley Patterson’s annual membership by Jared with a 2nd by Gordon. All voted yes.
Motion made to approve $3,915.00 to Travelers Insurance for a 1 year cyber policy (coverage of $1,000,000.00) by Beth with a 2nd by Jared. All voted yes.
Motion made to approve $52,367.80 to Donohoo Chevrolet for a 2024 Chevrolet Tahoe by Gordon with a 2nd by Jared. All voted yes.
Motion made to approve $1909.29 to Wilks for tires & brakes for K Clark’s patrol car by Jared with a 2nd by Gordon. All voted yes.
Motion made to approve $200.00 to Alabama Associate of Chiefs of Police for Chief Hughes’ membership by Beth with a 2nd by Jared . All voted yes.
Motion made to approve $550.00 to Alabama Rural Water Association for 1 year membership by Gordon with a 2nd by Jared. All voted yes.
Motion made to approve $4353.00 for cameras for the pickleball courts by Gordon with a 2nd by Jared. All voted yes.
Motion made to approve a 3% increase on water bills due to the Town’s water providers increasing 3% by Jared with a 2nd by Gordon. All voted yes.
Motion to give a one time pay adjustment of $5.50 per month of service to the Town with a $500.00 minimum and a $1600.00 maximum to all full time employees, and $250.00 to part time employees. This excludes contract employees by Beth with a 2nd by Jared. All voted yes.
Motion to cancel the December 23, 2024 Council meeting due to the holiday by Jared with a 2nd by Gordon. All voted yes.
Mayor Goodwin bragged on the young police officers and their willingness to answer calls of service even on their scheduled time off. Mayor Goodwin stated that we have a great group of officers and we are very proud of them and their dedication to the job and each other.
Motion made to adjourn by Jared with a 2nd by Gordon at 5:48 p.m. All voted yes.
Respectfully submitted: Approved by:
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Ashley Patterson, Town Clerk Mayor Vaughn Goodwin