Council Minutes May 28, 2024
Trinity Town Council Council Minutes May 28, 2024
The Town of Trinity Mayor and Council met at a regularly special called meeting in the Trinity Municipal Building with Mayor Goodwin calling the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members present signed a waiver of notice.
Members present were Brandi Logston, Mayor Vaughn Goodwin, Lainie Alexander, and Jared Terry. Absent were
Beth Burden and Gordon Burden.
Motion made to approve the minutes of the Special Call Council Meeting May 16, 2024 by Lainie with a 2nd by Jared. All voted yes.
Motion made to approve the attached bills in the amount of $26,000.05 by Brandi with a 2nd by Lainie. All voted yes.
Motion to approve adjusting Ms. Delores Johnson’s bill to the minimum by Lainie with a 2nd by Brandi. All voted yes.
Motion made to approve purchasing a full page ad for $200.00 in the West Morgan fall media guide by Lainie with a 2nd by Brandi. All voted yes.
Motion to approve $4200.00 to Lynn Layton Ford for repairs on the Ford Interceptor for front axle, cv, and seals by Jared with a 2nd by Lainie. All voted yes.
Motion to approve a 2nd adjustment per the ordinance for Jon Clark by Lainie with a 2nd by Brandi. All voted yes.
Motion to give Mayor Goodwin authority to sign the contract with Goodwyn Mills for the pickleball courts by Jared with a 2nd by Lainie. All voted yes.
Motion to pay $12,470.00 to GMC for the final payment of bid and design work on the pickleball courts by Jared with a 2nd by Lainie. All voted yes.
Several community members and recreational ball coaches were in attendance with interest in how to proceed with using the fields. Daivd Garrison and John Huffman spoke their concerns of scheduling and Mayor Goodwin stated that the Town is in the process of deciding how to move forward. The Town is planning to form a park board and Mr. Huffman stated he would be interested in being on the board. Council Member Lainie Alexander gave information on what some of the surrounding parks were doing but gave assurance the Town is not looking to profit from use of the fields. It was decided for the time being that coaches would call into town hall to request use of the field and must pick up the key at town hall before 4:30 to operate the lights on the field.
***Reminders*** Water Pump Bid Opening – June 6th at 2:00; Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday – July 19-21st, TrinityFest – Oct 6th
Motion made to adjourn by Jared with a 2nd by Brandi at 5:54 p.m. All voted yes.
Respectfully submitted: Approved by:
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Ashley Patterson, Town Clerk Mayor Vaughn Goodwin