Council Minutes October 21, 2024

Trinity Town Council                                         Special Call Meeting                                                          October 21, 2024



The Town of Trinity Council met at a special call meeting in the Trinity Municipal Building with Mayor Pro Tem, Brandi Logston, calling the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.  Members present were Beth Burden, Brandi Logston, Lainie Alexander, Jared Terry, and Gordon Burden.  Absent was Mayor Vaughn Goodwin.  All members present signed the waiver of notice.


Motion made to rescind the motion to accept Chief Randy Hughes’ resignation by Jared with a 2nd by Lainie.    All voted yes.


Motion made to approve appointing Chief Hughes as the Town’s point of contact for municipal insurances as well as the designated safety official on all matters pertaining to the Town by Beth with a 2nd by Lainie.  All voted yes.


Motion made to approve the following pay adjustments for the police department due to recent and ongoing residential growth in the Town by Lainie with a 2nd by Jared.   All voted yes.


Chief Hughes -                                     $9.00 per hour  and vacation top out

Asst Chief Parker -                              $3.00 per hour

All other Full Time Officers-             $1.00 per hour


Motion made to change the November 11th meeting to November 12, at  5:00 p.m. due to the holiday by Jared with a 2nd by Lainie.  All voted yes.


Chief Hughes addressed the Council and thanked them for their continuous support of him and the department.  Council member Beth Burden stated she appreciated him and the department and was glad to have the opportunity to keep Chief Hughes with the Town of Trinity. 


Motion made to adjourn at 5:03  p.m. by Lainie with a 2nd by Jared.  All voted yes.



Respectfully Submitted:                                                                                    Approved by:






______________________________________                                           ____________________________________

Ashley Patterson, Town Clerk                                                                          Mayor Pro Tem, Brandi Logston