Council Minutes July 8, 2024

Trinity Town Council                                         Council Minutes                                                                  July 8, 2024



The Town of Trinity Mayor and Council met at a regularly scheduled meeting in the Trinity Municipal Building July 8, 2024 with Mayor Vaughn Goodwin opening the meeting at 5:30 p.m.


Members present were Beth Burden, Mayor Vaughn Goodwin, Lainie Alexander, Jared Terry, and Gordon Burden.  Absent was Brandi Logston.


Motion made to approve the minutes of the Work Session June 24, 2024 by Beth with a 2nd by Lainie.  All voted yes.

Motion made to approve the minutes of the Council Meeting June 24, 2024 by Jared with a 2nd by Lainie.  All voted yes.

Motion made to approve the attached bills in the amount of $ 27,453.40  by Beth with a 2nd by Jared.  All voted yes.

Motion made to allow Mayor Goodwin and Chief Hughes to inspect and then give approval pending their findings allowing Protech Auto on the Town Wrecker Rotation by Jared with a 2nd by Lainie.  All voted yes.

Motion made to approve $1,000.00 to David Woodall for welding repairs done to the side arm cutter by Beth with a 2nd by Lainie.  Voting yes were:  Beth, Mayor Goodwin, Lainie, and Jared.  Gordon abstained.

Motion made to approve Resolution 2024-06 Declaring the Police Department 2014 Dodge Charger as surplus by Jared with a 2nd by Lainie.  Voting yes were Beth, Mayor Goodwin, Lainie, Jared, and Gordon.  Voting no were none.

Motion made to approve Resolution 2024-07 Declaring the Fire Department (491) 1991 Chevrolet CC6H042 as surplus by Jared with a 2nd by Lainie.  Voting yes were Beth, Mayor Goodwin, Lainie, Jared, and Gordon.  Voting no were none.

Motion made to approve Resolution 2024-08 to commence abatement proceedings on 106 North Mountain Drive (Tonya Jones) by Beth with a 2nd by Lainie.  Voting yes were Beth, Mayor Goodwin, Lainie, Jared, and Gordon.  Voting no were none.

Motion made to approve placing the 2014 Dodge Charger on GovDeals with a minimum bid in the amount of $ 1,000.00  by Jared with a 2nd by Lainie.   All voted yes.

Motion made to approve selling Fire Department (491) 1991 Chevrolet CC6H042, a fire pump, and a hose reel to the Town of Courtland in the amount of $5,500.00 by Gordon with a 2nd by Lainie.  All voted yes.

Motion made to approve $300.00 to West Morgan High School Fishing Team by Lainie with a 2nd by Beth.  All voted yes.

Motion made to approve $13,000.00 to ARDURRA for the Water SCADA System Radio Replacement Proposal by Lainie with a 2nd by Beth.  All voted yes.

Motion made to approve $65.00 renewal for Richard Stover’s instructor certification by Jared with a 2nd by Gordon. All voted yes.

Motion made to approve $4240.28 to Ferguson Waterworks for the purchase of 20 ¾” meters by Jared with a 2nd by Gordon.  All voted yes.

Motion made to approve $23,940.00 to BCA for the beginning stages of the pickleball project by Jared with a 2nd by Gordon.

Motion to approve the purchase of 1 Tahoe for the Police Department off of the state bid list by Gordon with a 2nd by Lainie.  All voted yes.

Motion to go into executive session at 5:50 to discuss general reputation and character by Gordon with a 2nd by Lainie.  Voting yes were Beth, Mayor Goodwin, Lainie, Jared, and Gordon.  Voting no were none.  Mayor Goodwin stated the meeting would reconvene.

Motion made to reconvene from the executive session at 5:59 by Gordon with a 2nd by Beth.  Voting yes were Beth, Mayor Goodwin, Lainie, Jared, and Gordon.  Voting no were none.

Mayor Goodwin informed the Council that a community member had requested handicap access to the soccer fields in order to see their grandchild play.  Mayor Goodwin stated he had given the individual permission to drive along the walking trail to the fields.  Also, Mayor Goodwin updated the Council that the water system improvement project should begin roughly around the 15th of August.

Council Member Lainie Alexander informed the Mayor and Council she would be meeting with the board members of the Youth Leage at Town Hall 7/9/24 at 5:30 p.m.  The purpose of this meeting was to get a game plan for the Town to take over the ballfields.  Mayor Goodwin said the town would be managing the concessions and they would be audited annually with the Town accounts.


***Reminders***  Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday – July 19-21st,  Public Hearing – July 22nd at 5:30; TrinityFest – Oct 6th


Motion made to adjourn by Gordon with a 2nd by Jared  at 6:13 p.m.  All voted yes.


Respectfully submitted:                                                                                     Approved by:




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Ashley Patterson, Town Clerk                                                                          Mayor Vaughn Goodwin