Planning Commission March 12, 2024
Trinity Planning Commission Special Call Minutes March 12, 2024
The Public Hearing was opened at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Vaughn Goodwin.
Mayor Goodwin stated “This Public Hearing is for the purpose of hearing any and all persons interested in speaking for or against said proposed amendment.
Amend the Zoning Map from A-O Low Density Residential and General Agricultural to an Overlay District for a tract of land containing approximately 82 acres more or less located between Old Highway 24 and Gordon Terry Parkway. The floor is now open for comments or concerns.”
Comments: Blake McAnally (Pugh, Wright, & Associations) and Chirs Motes (Roush Coleman Homes) addressed the Planning Commission first. They stated that they were requesting a PUD (Planned Unit District) for the North 40 acres of the Hurst property located between Old Highway 24 and Gordon Terry Parkway and the Southern 40 acres to be annexed if the PUD is approved. They informed the commission that Roush Coleman homes has been in business for 75 years. They are interested in doing a single family entry level housing district. Presently they have 2 projects under construction in the City of Decatur. Roush Coleman Homes is the 3rd largest private home builder in the country. Their plan for Trinity is to build 505 units 40 foot lots with Town Homes over a 6-7 year time period. They use local contractors for all their subcontracting work. The plans are broken into 5 phases. They will build approximately 100 homes per phase with the 1st construction to begin on the Old 24 side nearest the Elementary School. They plan to dig a 2nd pond on the property and use that dirt work for their development. They have spoken with local utilities who all have confirmed they have the capacity to serve the development. They plan for walking paths, a dog park, and landscaping development. There will be 2 entrances coming from Old Highway 24. If the Zoning passes, they will begin the process of a Traffic Study. Also, upon engineering request, they would look into a “signal warrant” to determine if a signal needs to be placed at the development. The Overlay District that they are requesting would allow the setbacks and street sizes to apply to this specific development.
Phil McDonald asked how wide each street would be. Blake informed him the streets would all be 31 feet back to back which would allow for passage easily.
Keith Alexander asked if Roush Coleman were only permitted to do single family homes would that affect their decision on purchasing the property. Chris Motes stated that it most likely would because of the cost of the land
Susan Ledbetter asked how many smaller houses vs larger square footage. Chris Motes stated that they allow the home buyer to determine square footage so there would be no way to answer that at this time.
Mayor Goodwin reinforced the fact that this development would indeed be a Build to Sell development and not a Build to Rent. Chris Motes confirmed that was the agreement and that all their developments have an HOA that is maintained and monitored.
After no further questions or comments, the public hearing was closed at 6:21 by Mayor Goodwin.
The Town of Trinity Planning Commission met at a Special Call Meeting in the Trinity Municipal Building with Mayor Vaughn Goodwin calling the meeting to order at 6:21 p.m. immediately following the closing of the Public Hearing.
Members present were Susan Ledbetter, Council Member Gordon Burden, Mayor Vaughn Goodwin, Keith Alexander, Inspector Gary Bayne, Randy Dutton, Justin Dunn, and Phil McDonald. Absent was Ken Johnson.
Motion made to adopt the minutes of the regular Trinity Planning Commission meeting February 26, 2024 as presented by Keith with a 2nd by Phil. All voted yes.
Motion made to approve PC Resolution 2024-01 proposed amendment of the Zoning Ordinance Map for the Hurst Property located between Old Highway 24 and Gordon Terry Parkway by Susan with a 2nd by Randy. All voted yes.
Motion made to adjourn by Phil with a 2nd by Keith at 6:23 p.m. All voted yes.
Respectfully submitted: Approved by:
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Ashley Patterson, Town Clerk Mayor Vaughn Goodwin